Nips & Sips
Cindy and Sarah are two 40 something besties and long time cocktail enthusiasts, who still have a lot to learn about life! Each week they get together to discover a new and delicious beverage while discussing topics ranging from perimenopause and lady parts, to dating and hang overs, to aging parents and anything that comes up on the journey of life. It’s like hanging out with your best friends for a real and often ridiculous conversation while at the same time learning something new. Cindy and Sarah have been friends for over thirty years so you can imagine all the dirt they have on each other! Put on your comfies, and join them for a real and fun conversation about...well, everything!
135 episodes
The Last Sip
Even after 50 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about when to call it quits! In this final episode of Nips and Sips, the girls share their favourite episodes from each of the 3 seasons, what they liked and didn't like over the years, ho...
Season 3
Episode 135
The Hilarity and Horrors of Dating Apps
Even after 50 years Sarah and Cindy have a lot to learn about online dating! In this episode the girls chat about the issues and anxiety that can come with using dating apps, the reasons behind the anxiety, their own experiences with online dat...
Season 3
Episode 134
Taking Breast Cancer Prevention Into Your Own Hands
Even after 50 years Sarah and Cindy have a lot to learn about breast cancer! In this episode they discuss the importance of advocating for one's self when it comes to health, self exams, listening to your instinct if it's different than what yo...
Season 3
Episode 133
Unhitched and Happy or Wifed Up and Happy?
Even after 50 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about who's winning in the marriage or women?! In this episode the girls chat about the differences between married women and married men, some surprising (or not so surprising)...
Season 3
Episode 132
Namaste Your Way
Even after 50 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about meditating. In this episode they chat about the different types of meditation, the crossover between the types, the benefits of meditating, some of the difficulties and t...
Season 3
Episode 131
Energy or Ego? The Power Behind Penis Size
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about big dick energy! In this episode they talk about the beginning of the term 'big dick energy', the personality types to go with BDE and SDE, the historical significance and origins of...
Season 3
Episode 130
You Could Have Warned Me Doc!
Even after 49 years Sarah and Cindy have a lot to learn about IUD insertion and the pain that it causes. In this episode they chat about the New York Times article that came out recently, discussing the fact that doctors should be addressing th...
Season 3
Episode 129
Ouija Is Not a Toy!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about Ouija boards! In this episode they chat about the origin of the Ouija board, how it got it's name, their own experiences with Ouija and read some crazy stories about other peop...
Season 3
Episode 128
My Pockets Are Bigger Than Yours!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about the differences between men's and women's pockets! In this episode they chat about the origin of pockets in clothing, why men's are bigger and women's smaller, some of the reasons wo...
Season 3
Episode 127
Rocked Like a Hurricane!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about hurricanes! In this episode the girls are together at Cindy's, in the Cayman Islands, and recount their experience with hurricane Beryl. They talk about when they got the warning ale...
Season 3
Episode 126
Your Thoughts Are Powerful!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about how our thoughts affect our brains. In this episode they talk about how positive and negative thoughts adjust our physical brains, how it affects children, whether or not adults can ...
Season 3
Episode 125
All In The Name Of Beauty!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about the wild things women have done to adhere to society's beauty standards over the years. In this episode they talk about different beauty expectations throughout the centuries, ...
Season 3
Episode 124
Are You Sh!t-ing Me?!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about...skid marks? In this episode the girls discover that some men continuously have "dirty" underwear and they chat about some of the shocking reasons as to why. They also get into the ...
Season 3
Episode 123
Grey Rock On!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about Grey Rocking! In this episode the girls chat about what grey rocking means (it's not what they thought), how and when to incorporate it into your life, who it will benefit and who it...
Season 3
Episode 122
Just Call Me Permasingle!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about being permasingle! In this episode they chat about what the term permasingle means, some of the benefits and disadvantages to being permasingle, why some people are making the choice...
Season 3
Episode 121
Stop Paying Twice!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about sunk-cost fallacy. In this episode the girls chat about sunk-cost fallacy, what it means to be "paying twice", what areas of our lives this plays into and why they think people...
Season 3
Episode 120
That's Music To My Tastebuds
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about the ways in which music influences the way we eat! In this episode the girls chat about how different music and tones affect the actual taste of our food, the pace that we eat depend...
Season 3
Episode 119
I'm Not Angry, YOU'RE ANGRY!!!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about anger styles. In this episode they chat about the 4 different styles, which they are (according to a short quiz), whether or not they agree with the results, and some of the situatio...
Season 3
Episode 118
We're All Afraid
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about women's safety. In this episode they chat about why women feel unsafe, what it was like growing up with these fears, where they stem from and how it's all just second nature to women...
Season 3
Episode 117
Let's Catch Up!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about...stuff. Today's episode is a good old fashioned catch up! They girls hang out, drink whatever they feel like and talk about protest marching, their 50 new things challenge (#newnips...
Season 3
Episode 116
We're Getting Older...and So Are Our Parents!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about aging parents. In this episode Cindy talks about a recent health scare with her mom, and everything that has come up because of it. They chat about caring for elderly par...
Season 3
Episode 115
Honey I Shrunk
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about the unexpected things that happen to us when we age! In this episode the girls chat about the fact that Sarah is shrinking, that Cindy might too (yikes!), some of the things we can c...
Season 3
Episode 114
Overpackers Anonymous Meeting Tonight
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about overpacking! In this episode the girls get into the different types of packers, what types they are, why they think people overpack and some personal insights on why they themselves ...
Season 3
Episode 113
It's A Learning Opportunity
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about the 3 different comfort zones! In this episode they go through each zone, dissect each one with their own two cents (of course), discuss their own discomforts and talk about some of ...
Season 3
Episode 112
Instant Gratification Takes Too Long!
Even after 49 years Cindy and Sarah have a lot to learn about instant gratification!In this episode the girls talk about the repercussions of getting everything immediately, why it's all so instant now, what this does to our patience and to...
Season 3
Episode 111